Tear-resistant and waterproof, customized high security anti-fraud VOID envelop has been designed for protecting the transportation and circulation of all your confidential documents and bank notes safely .
This high security envelop is going to allow you to optimize security while sending your confidential documents.
Thanks to its high performing anti-fraud device associating a VOID adhesive, a bar code, and a sequential numbering, this high security envelop will limit, to the maximum, the risks of loss of a letter for example or tampering during transportation by the post or via a transporter. Modern
and ecological (100% recyclable), the VOID high security tear-resistant envelop is manufactured in thick polyethylene (80µ) capable of ensuring an exceptional resistance to tearing, but also to cold, heat and solvents. The
high security envelop will be impossible to open without cutting it or destroying the VOID adhesive.
Any attempt at tampering is evident and irreparable and better than on a sealed envelope.
VOID high security envelop: for whom? for what?
The high security tear-resistant envelop is adapted particularly for confidential documents (legal, administrative, medical documents, contracts, balance sheets, pay slips, sales orders, results of competitions and examinations…) or even, shipment of small objects of value such as fancy jewelery or stamps.
Co-extruded polyethylene: impossible to
tear by hand without damaging the

This high security envelop will then be ideal for activities carried out in the areas of public administration , police, justice, diplomacy, industry, manual creation, medicine and teaching.
The sealed envelope will also adapt well to transport and logistics activities.
Security seal
Opt for an ultra-secured shipping system thanks to this high security, good quality envelop.
This security envelop will secure all your sensitive and confidential mails with:
- VOID security closure: The sealing is ensured by an extremely powerful security adhesive and any attempt tampering is shown by a marking "VOID OPENED".
- The security seals on the sides: The side seals of the envelope display a security design, making it impossible to open the envelope from the side and reseal this later once the content is removed.
- A numbered detachable stub: Thanks to sequential numbering, this real value declared is automatically identified and authenticated as soon as it is in the hands of its recipient. Exchange during transfer is thus impossible.
- A traceability barcode: In addition to sequential numbering, the barcode allows tracing of the envelop and reduces the risk of loss.
Unique or unalterable number
Customize your declared value envelope
From 1000 envelopes ordered, it will be possible to ask for customization. You can then choose :
- The size. All your requests can be planned and executed, from the smallest (60x100mm) to the biggest
- The seal type. You can select from:
Mixed seal with security message. Wide but not very thick, this seal will allow you to write the safety message of your choice, making it impossible to cut and re-seal the sides of the envelope. 
- Sealing by heat-sealing process. Flat and wide, this type of seal has a very smooth and clean appearance.
- Fine seal Very fine and clean, this seal has a discreet and aesthetic appearance. Its fineness enables you to maximize the usable space in the envelope. - The print design. You can print an image, a logo, or any other design of your choice, with 9 possible different colors (four-color printing + 5 pantone colors).
- The detachable stub. You can duplicate the detachable stub in 1, 2, 3 or more copies on request.
- The kangaroo pouch. The insertion of a kangaroo pocket will allow you to insert a viewable and modifiable document, besides the contents of the envelop.
- Wad of bank notes. You can select to insert a wad of bank notes and duplicate them in 1 to 3 copies (one for the sender, one for the bank, one on the envelope)
- Perforation. Facilitate the opening of the envelop for the recipient by incorporating a perforation to your envelop.
- Bottom gusset. If you plan to transport large items in the envelope, choose a bottom gusset which will increase its capacity.
- The security tag. To maximize the safety and security of your shipments, you can supplement your envelope for declared value with a security tag, Prooftag, authentication system via a standard software. Contact us for more information.
For any request of customization of the high security envelop, contact us to obtain a quote.