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SBE Laptop Security Tag, Color Printing

De 1,03€ à 17,00 Tax excluded

the label

Tax excluded Livraison : 3 à 6 semaines
  • Impossible to remove
  • Your material recovered if lost
  • Format suitable for laptop, organizer, mobile...
  • Real ownership plate
Cyanoacrylate glue

Total : 1500.00€ HT

Ce produit n'est pas vendu à l'unité. Vous devez sélectionner un multiple de 100 quantités pour ce produit.
At home on Friday 18 April 2025

Because a stolen business computer or phone is often a source of stress. If you want an effective way to secure your digital assets in an inexpensive, tearproof and permanent way. Anti-theft computer and smartphone tagging gives you that option. Secure and identify your computer and office equipment for life

What is the purpose of an anti-theft tag for computer and smartphone?

A pc anti-theft device or more generally a security cable are very resistant and dissuasive solutions. However, when it comes to moving objects, such as laptops or smartphones, their use may not be the most suitable. This is why we have decided to develop a quadruply efficient product, in order to best respond to the security of your computer and office equipment.

At SBE Direct, your security and that of your belongings is our priority. This Safe-Tech SBE label is full of efficiency, in fact it will allow you to considerably reduce the risk of attempted theft of your computer equipment (laptop, professional smartphone...),

In case of loss of one of your tools, the anti-theft marking for computer and smartphone makes sense because it will allow you to discern very clearly the ownership of your goods.

In addition, each marking has a unique number, registered on the National Anti-Theft File SBE. Thus, this number certifies that your computer equipment can be found in most cases. Each product that you mark with this ultra-resistant label, will be one more product that will be closer to the optimum solution against loss.

The installation of this smartphone and computer anti-theft device is also an excellent vector of your brand image and your communication. Also, you amplify your reach and you open to many new opportunities.

If you want to learn more about the reduction of thefts induced by the SBE anti-theft marking, I recommend you this article we wrote :How to reduce theft by 96% with SBE anti-theft markings ?

The first marking that proves to be very reliable :

SBE Direct is the only company in the world to offer this exclusive patent-protected Safe-Tech SBE computer security marking, which has proven its effectiveness. When we designed this product, we wanted a tamper-evident marking.

We are now proud to offer our successful anti-theft marking for computers and smartphones. It is currently the only marking in the world that is truly impossible to peel off or tear off. The resistance fully characterizes this product design for several reasons :

  • Resistant to 100% humidity ;
  • Withstands extreme temperatures from -55°C to +90°C ;
  • UV rays do not affect the durability of the marking ;
  • 100% mold resistant ;
  • Abrasion resistant.

With this anti-theft computer and smartphone marking, you can be sure that your inventory markings can never be removed, they will act as a real anti-theft device for any of your computer or office equipment.

A tamper-proof marking, easy to use, to optimize protection and identification : (how to use it)

Installation in less than a minute is our guarantee. What we have tried to convey through this innovation are products that are effective, quick and easy to set up. And because a fun and intuitive product is a complete and quality product, we give you with the purchase, an installation kit where no extra charge will be necessary. Here are the components of this kit:

  • An applicator ;
  • Cotton sticks ;
  • An instruction manual.

The optimization of the identification is here transcribed by our choice of printing text only. Indeed, this one makes you benefit from a preferential rate as well as from a free delivery (1 week after agreement of the good to be printed).

At SBE Direct, we’re all about making products that you can relate to and that feel like you. To enhance this feeling, we strive to provide you with the best customization experiences. For example, you can integrate up to 5 lines and text in the largest white window as well as black numbering.

What is the SBE Direct National Anti-theft File?

To give you some figures, according to the National Observatory of Delinquency, there are more than 775,000 smartphone thefts per year and 60% of French people claim to have already lost a phone. In the business world, there are nearly 160 thefts and losses of equipment per day.

In view of these staggering figures, we thought it best to react and offer you a solution that will enable you to achieve a very high level of security at a lower cost.

In addition to simple anti-theft marking for computers and smartphones to deter and minimize the risk of theft and clearly identify your company, we establish a constant and permanent link between you and the tagged equipment.

For this purpose, we have set up a central file that operates independently of your company: the Anti-Theft File. In the event of theft or loss, this is recorded and SBE registers the device concerned and all the information it contains on a red list.

Following this, the person who finds the device would be in the obligation to return it under penalty of being qualified as a fence. Of course, we specify all these indications and information directly on a sticker that we provide you with the Anti-Theft Marking. This sticker alone is an additional instrument to discourage the theft of your digital goods.

To learn more about the Anti-Theft File, please visit our information pages:

WARNING : We do not recommend the use of degreasing pouches for this product which requires a fixation by Cyanoacrylate glue.


Data sheet

the label
per pack of 100
1 year


Colle Cyano SBE (FR)

Mentions de sécurité

Download (56.25k)

Cyano Glue (EN)

Safety Data Sheet

Download (53.89k)

RoHS confirmation (EN)

RoHS confirmation sheet

Download (12.64k)

Sécurité colle Cyano (FR)

Fiche de données de sécurité Colle Cyano Sans Solvant

Download (56.25k)

Instruction Cyano glue (EN)

Safety data sheet Cyano Glue (EN)

Download (53.89k)

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Cyanoacrylate glue Standard SBE Ref. PI-PLANT-COUL-42

Quantités Prix € HT
Prix € HT
70x40 mm
Prix € HT
36 x 46 mm
100 15 € 16 € 15 €
300 6.37 € 8.83 € 7.61 €
500 5.12 € 7.21 € 7.07 €
1000 2.51 € 3.05 € 3.97 €
3000 1.5 € 2.05 € 2.78 €
5000 1.05 € 1.12 € 2.63 €
10000 1.03 € 1.09 € 3.03 €

Cyanoacrylate glue Solvent free Ref. PI-PLANT-COUL-42-L

Quantités Prix € HT
Prix € HT
70x40 mm
Prix € HT
36 x 46 mm
100 16 € 17 € 16 €
300 6.61 € 9.16 € 8.99 €
500 5.31 € 7.49 € 8.07 €
1000 2.6 € 6.21 € 4.55 €
3000 1.58 € 7.48 € 2.93 €
5000 1.12 € 10 € 2.83 €
10000 1.09 € 17 € 3.21 €

With this product you may need to use:
De 4,09€ à 5,15 Tax excluded

the label

Because a stolen business computer or phone is often a source of stress. If you want an effective way to secure your digital assets in an inexpensive,...

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