blue closed numbered seal
  • blue closed numbered seal
  • flat numbered blue seal
  • Poseidon plastic seal with easy opening - 1
  • Poseidon plastic seal with easy opening - 2
  • Poseidon plastic seal with easy opening - 3
  • Poseidon plastic seal with easy opening - 4
  • Poseidon plastic seal with easy opening - 5
  • Poseidon plastic seal with easy opening - 6

Poseidon plastic seal with easy opening

De 133,00€ à 757,00 Tax excluded

the pack of 1000

Tax excluded Livraison : 3 à 6 semaines
  • Heavy duty plastic seal with easy opening
  • Ideal for the security of your goods and products
  • Available in two sizes
  • 6 mm wide flat rod
  • Customization (logo, EAN, barcode, QR-code)on 24x33mm
  • Laser printing : Only in black
Seal length
Numérotation du scellé

Total : 668.00€ HT

In stock
At home on Saturday 19 April 2025

At SBE Direct, we believe in durable, intuitive and environmentally conscious products. That’s what we’re showing here, with the Poseidon security seal made of recyclable plastic with easy opening. This plastic seal is the perfect alliance between resistance and simplicity of use. Ideal to seal various valuable goods !

Features :

Poseidon is a plastic security seal with a fixed size. The flat stem is only 6 mm wide. Poseidon is engraved with a permanent laser marking, this technique offers the highest level of security as it cannot be removed or replaced. The standard model includes an easy opening so that the seal can be broken as quickly and easily as possible. The Poseidon easy-open plastic warranty seal has an optimal tensile strength of 210N.

Dimensions Poseidon Court Poseidon Long
Length 190 mm 295 mm
Max weidth 24 mm 24 mm
Printing area 33 x 19 mm

See the complete line of plastic security seals.

How to use the Poseidon security seal ?

Like padlocks, seals also have different ways of closing. Some are sealed from the front, others from the back, or with a lead.

Here, the Poseidon security seal is one of those that seals from the back. You just have to hold firmly the head of the seal with one hand and the stem with the other.

A simple traction, once inserted in the locking mechanism, will be enough to lock the rod. This seal is not one of those, which can be sealed manually. Once the "clip" is heard, the seal is closed and ready for use.

To break the seal, you have three choices :

  • Manually : less thick than the Zeus seal but still being a security seal, breaking it manually requires a certain traction force;
  • Easy to open : you just have to pull on the tab and tear it;
  • With scissors : clean cut

It is recommended to personalize the seal with a serial number, in order to further guarantee the security and identification of your property. This way, if a third party breaks the seal or replaces it, it will be easy for you to determine the theft or the break-in.

It is to be noted that our seals are provided with a specific numbering to each one, as well as with the mention "sealed" in order to ensure an optimal and maximum safety!

The Poseidon security seal in recyclable plastic with easy opening: a customizable seal ?

At SBE Direct, we are committed to customer satisfaction. We believe that customer satisfaction is achieved through products that reflect your company’s image. In this sense, we wanted to make sure that the personalization was as complete as possible.

It is imperative that your text fits on the personalisation space on the head of the seal. Here, in our case, the printing space is 24x33mm.

Also, we offer you the choice between two formats of Poseidon security seals in recyclable plastic :

  • Poseidon Court :

  • Poseidon Long :

Personalization by laser printing guarantees exceptional precision (It should be noted that this type of printing is done exclusively in black). We have chosen this printing process in order to guarantee its durability, its resistance in all conditions and its very high quality. This technique offers the highest level of security, since the engraving cannot be removed or replaced.

It will be possible for you to incrust what you wish to see appearing on the head of the seal (green insert on the diagrams), whether it is :

  • A logo,

  • A serial number,

  • A barcode,

  • A QR Code.

Concerning the general visual aspect of your plastic warranty seal, we offer more than 12 different colors :

What is a security seal ?

There is a multitude of seal types for various uses. These uses have a direct impact on the shape, the material or the stem of the seal. In this sense, a security seal is fundamentally different from a warranty seal. 

The difference between these two types of seals lies in the use you wish to make of them. Indeed, securing a product or an asset is different from ensuring its authenticity. So, before buying a seal, ask yourself the following question: What use will I make of it ?

In this case, the first use of a security seal is to guarantee the security of the products or goods and to prevent any attempt of fraud, break-in or theft.

Security seals have many advantages such as security, versatility and solidity. They are designed to discourage malicious people, they also allow to secure the content of the moved item, since they are very difficult to destroy and/or cut. These seals are considered as indicative seals (e.g. plastic) that can be broken manually, with force.  

In order to obtain more precision concerning the different types of seals, we have written an article about : Which security seal for which use ?

Usual areas in which the Poseidon easy opening security seal is used:

As this is a security seal, we had to offer a quality and ultra-resistant product for sale. However, we wanted to offer you an intuitive seal and that’s why we set up an easy opening on the standard model. This way, you will be free to seal whatever you want, with complete peace of mind. Here are some examples of uses for the Poseidon security seal:

Transport : Concerning the maritime and road transport, the Poseidon security seal is commonly used to secure the containers (whether they are present on boats or trucks, during transport). In rail freight, this seal can be used to protect some wagons with limited access and containing goods. In air transport, the Poseidon security seal made of recyclable plastic is used to secure carts containing food and duty-free products.

Mail delivery : Thanks to the Poseidon security seal, we are able to close plastic containers with lids as well as bags containing letters and parcels.

The medical field : It is not rare to see a Poseidon plastic seal on cabinets containing dangerous drugs or narcotics. This security seal is regularly used to control food and healthcare carts during the entire transport process, from production to final consumption.

Fashion and E-commerce : You have certainly already received an opened or consumed package. To prevent this, the Poseidon security seal is commonly used. The risk of vandalism is therefore reduced. The serial number, bar code or QR code on the plastic seal ensures that your package is safe!

An environmentally friendly plastic seal !

At SBE Direct, we are committed to reducing waste and operating in an environmentally responsible manner, and we want to extend this to our products, so that we can offer you more environmentally friendly products.

Our seals are ISO 14001:2015 certified, which means that they perfectly meet the requirements of our environmental management system. In addition, this international standard is an aid to the management of your environmental responsibility, it strongly contributes to sustainable development and is a pillar of the CSR policy of companies.

The Zeus plastic security seal perfectly meets the specifications! Indeed, this plastic seal is completely recyclable.

If you have any questions about the Zeus security seal, do not hesitate to contact us directly online !


Data sheet

the pack of 1000
In packs of 1000
1 year
Recyclable plastic
Flat stem
190 x 24 / 295 x 24
Printing area
33 mm x 19 mm
Fields of application
Stem diameter
6 mm
Made in
Tensile strength

No customer reviews for the moment.

Seal length 190 mm Ref. MSEC-OF-POSEIDON-CRT

Quantités Prix € HT
Standard (SEALED+7 digits)
Prix € HT
Customised with logo and numbering (black laser printing)
1 668 € 755 €
5 205 € 317 €
10 133 € 245 €

Seal length 295 mm Ref. MSEC-OF-POSEIDON-LG

Quantités Prix € HT
Standard (SEALED+7 digits)
Prix € HT
Customised with logo and numbering (black laser printing)
1 671 € 757 €
5 208 € 320 €
10 136 € 248 €

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