Estimate the quantities you need well

custom labels francaise des jeux by sbe direct

It is not always easy to know exactly what quantities of products to order, especially as prices are very variable, especially for customized products. Let yourself be guided…

Why are printing rates so degressive?

Almost all the rates we present on this site are degressive on quantities. It is our policy to have total transparency on prices that we display so that you can make the most of purchases in bulk. 

This degressive effect is significantly more pronounced on customized products with printing such as labels or company badges. All production has a fixed start-up cost that is unalterable (machinery, tests, first passes.) which takes up a lot of time and raw materials, regardless of final quantities to be made. These costs are included in the unit prices of the labels, but they become insignificant on the large quantities, while they greatly penalize small quantities. That is why we suggest for each product a minimum order limit, below which the unit cost would be prohibitive.

How should I estimate quantities from the outset?

That is why we always strongly recommend that our clients think clearly about the future when considering the quantities they plan to put into production. Indeed, buying exactly the quantity of products you need for a particular operation can penalize you financially, at a possible next, in most cases lower, production. 

For example, if you plan to inventorise 1,000 items of property on a business site, it is likely that after while you will need to re-inventorise new equipment, replacements. You will then be surprised to see that we cannot reproduce 300 identical labels or that their unit cost is very far from the cost for 1000 units of your previous order. It would have been better to order 1,300 labels during the first production, the last 300 labels would have been at a very low cost.

In general, our customers apply the following calculations for their quantities:

  • Plan for a large stock of products for the planned operation. In general, then add +30% more products for contingencies and variations.
  • Then anticipate a sufficient supply for a "turn-over" of at least 12 months (replacement equipment, broken equipment, repair, lost, new equipment). Generally, 30% of products are calculated in addition to the previous quantity.
  • In the case of inventories of computer equipment, the usual calculation is to multiply by 2.5 the total number of configurations, in general office equipment, multiply by 2, and for the moveables multiply by 1.5.

These quantity concepts are essential for all printed and customized products that we offer on this site, but also apply to products in stock. The only reason to properly assess the quantities from the first order is the degressive price reduction of the products that will generally make you good savings on an annual basis.

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